:: Whatever you want, whatever you need & whatever qoutes ::

"It's not enought that you only accept me for who I am. You should also accept me for what I'm not."

"...things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. At least not the way we expect."
-Luna Lovegood (HP Order of the Phoenix)

"My life was a constant uphill climb, never got it right each one I loved went through a changed of heart..."


NJay Maldito's Facebook profile

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Being a Fan really Hurts if you expect too much...

At first I didn't want to believe the rumors that the showing of our(HP Fanatics) most anticipated movie this year was moved on July 17, 2009. Because we've been waiting since last year to finally watch the latest movie installment of our most loved Book Series, the Harry Potter Series.

To confirm this rumor, I visited the Official Harry Potter website which is www.harrypotter.com , and eventhough it's still says on the trailer "november" it's undoubtedly true that it will be shown in theaters July 17, 2009 worldwide.
This report was of course true, it totally dissapointed me, and I'm sure millions of HP fans worldwide, and I'm also sure that HP fans started reading again the 6th book for us to refresh our minds about the story of the Half-blood Prince. And, of course, I was a bit skeptical of what I've seen on the official website, so I visieted and checked other online reports about this matter.
According to Reuters, Warner Bros. the film production company who owned the rights of the series, said thet the reason why it was moved is because of the 3-month screenwriter strike in Hollywood has "impacted the readiness of scripts for other films, and they also said that they(WB) belive that summer is the best showing date of the film for the whole family. Warner Bros. added that this will not take any effect or alter any production plans for the final, two-part Harry Potter Movie which is the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which was first said to be shown on November 2010.

Well, as for me, as I have said, I was totally dissapointed and this given me a bit of frustration, I don't know if this is just an effect of being an HP fan or was I just too excited. As for Warner Bros. saying that they think summer is the best season for the hwole family to watch the film. My answer to them is, whenever you put the showing date of any Harry Potter film, it will still hit the Box Office, this is proven. As you can remember the past HP films was shown either summer season or early Chrismas season, but still it makes money. Because we fans are here whenever or wherever Harry will be.

This changing of show dates also broke the traditional showing of HP films, as you can remember, the year Nov 2001 was the Sorcerer's Stone, Nov 2002 (Chamber of Secrets), and they skipped the year 2003. Prisoner of Azkaban was shown last June 2004, followed by the Goblet of Fire last Nov 2005. And then, we waited more than a year (skipped year 2006) just to watch the Order of the Phoenix that was shown last July 2007. As you can see, Warner Bros. they should follow the trend, we, fans should only wait one whole year before they will release the 6th film. Which is completely correct on their first press release that they will release the 6th film November 2008, and skipped again more than a year (2009) to wait for the showing of the 7th film that was said to be released on 2010 (part1) and on 2011 (part2). Actually, this was our second dissapointment with Warner Bros. when they first announced that they will split the 7th film into two because they know that it will generate much more million dollars (honestly).
Eventually, of course, there's nothing we can do about it, so we just accpted it the way it is, and now, for the second time, there's nothing we can do, than just to wait and wait and wait, while them, also waiting for our money to be on their pockets. It's just really frustrating that they don't understand our feelings, we understand that they are really making the Film so good that it's really worth a money to watch, but the thing is, our expectaitons on seeing the film this november was totally wasted. They don't understand how it feels to expect so much and in the end, you feeling deceived.
Again, there’s nothing we can definitely to about this, I just hope that thy will still follow that the part1 of the 7th film will be shown on 2010.
I will still read the book for the 3rd time early next year. I’m still excited though.


081708 / 10:05am


raine said...

kikoy can i have your email,i have a book i want you to have it's
Stephen R. Covey

:: said...

it hurts// really hurts///